Proudly introducing our service vehicle :

Smart Truck, first and ever in Malaysia !!

Smart Truck was originally made in Germany. Smart Truck was equipped with high pressure jet which is very efficient in cleaning toilet. With the help of the high pressure jet, a toilet can be cleaned in shorter period of time depending on the condition of the toilet. The holding tank of the Smart Truck is made of aluminum which can resist rusting. The tank is divided into 2 compartments; the back compartment is used to accommodate wastes which can store up to 3500 liters of wastes. The front compartment can store up to 1200 liters of fresh water whereby this fresh water will be used to clean up the toilet and also to refill the water tank in the toilet. This Smart Truck is able pump up to 200 liters of wastes within a minute and this Smart Truck is also featured with odor control filter which ensures smell free environment during pumping of the wastes.

Key Features

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